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#70 Why knowing your values is essential for your career

How do you make decisions for your professional life and your next career step? Do you always feel quite insecure and rely on the opinion of others?

Or do you have this strong inner guidance – because you know clearly what your personal values are that drive your decisions?

Are you aware about your own values?

Your personal values can be 3-6 out of the following examples: freedom, independence, respect, responsibility, integrity, honesty, loyalty, empathy, wealth, stability, safety, curiosity, knowledge, well-being, family, creativity, joy, success, trust, truth, compassion, modesty, openness, discipline, …

My own top personal values are:

  1. Empathy

  2. Integrity

  3. Loyalty

  4. High standards

  5. Independence

  6. Profoundness

Knowing your values gives you self-confidence and let’s you spread your attitude, such that it is recognizable for others! Knowing your values also gives you the courage to speak up and set boundaries once someone is not acting in alignment with your own values! This is what makes you authentic, what communicates who you really are and finally let’s you shine!


I am happy to support you in your skilful self-presentation, so that you can have a successful and fulfilling career by being able to show your true, authentic self! Therefore, this podcast is based on three pillars:

  • Self-confidence & self-esteem

  • Managing your emotions

  • Concrete communication techniques based on NLP

And in each episode, you will hear about one of them. – Subscribe to not miss any important points!

If you don’t want to miss the coming episodes – then following me on LinkedIn (Michaela Kettner) or Instagram (

Keywords: Skilful self-presentation, Successful career, fulfilling career, important for career, successful in my job, self-confidence, own values, finding personal values, human values, attitude, decision, intrinsic motivation, clarity, authenticity, setting boundaries

Black woman working independently
Having clarity about your own values let's you choose the right workplace and company for you.

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